Athrixia phylacoides (bushman’s tea)
Medicinal Plant from the Healing Plant Collective

This aromatic shrub is widely distributed in eastern and northern parts of South Africa. The leafy twigs and roots are both used to treat a variety of ailments. The plant has antioxidant effects and there is significant activity against cancer cells.    

Women make use of pounded and boiled roots to alleviate excessive menstrual bleeding. The roots are also used to treat colds and as a purgative. Root and leaf infusions are used for boils and sores as blood purifiers. Extracts are applied to sores, boils and abscesses. Athrixia phylacoides is also used to treat heart disease, hypertension, vomiting, skin complaints, diarrhoea and diabetes. Twigs and leaves are also boiled to make a tasty tea. 

Information largely taken from “Medicinal Plants of South Africa”, 2009.

Healing Plants Collectiveclick here to learn and share in the wonders of medicinal & useful plants!

“As a human race we have always used plants. Mother Nature supplies a wonderful abundance of medicinal, healing and useful plants. Let’s learn together!

Tradition peoples still make use of these healing plants. The Healing Plants Collective aims to learn and share this knowledge. Through respect, sensitivity and openness we can learn how to work with nature.

It is an honour to be healed by plants.”